The purpose of this website is to share our health research and experiences about alternative treatments that have worked for us over the years. We are not against the use of traditional medicine, doctors, or treatments. However, we believe we are better off using safe, alternative cures for our ailments, rather than taking traditional medications (prescribed or over-the-counter). The traditional drugs not only have risks associated with them, they only treat the symptoms, rather than addressing the root cause. We also believe in working with our healthcare experts to find what’s best for us. We look for natural cures (alternative treatments) that are safe to use and then get our doctor’s permission before we use them.

Alternative treatments use Alternative Medicine, a term that’s become very popular these days. Alternative Medicine is also called Integrative Medicine, Complementary Medicine, and Complimentary and Alternative Medicine (CAM). In fact, CAM is also the term used by most insurance companies in the United States. It’s common for some of the largest clinics in the United States to offer CAM and many insurance companies now cover the cost of at least some of the CAM. According to WebMD, “Alternative medicine is a term that describes medical treatments that are used instead of traditional (mainstream) therapies. Some people also refer to it as “integrative,” or “complementary” medicine.”

Our Approach to Natural Cures

We base our approach on common sense and realize that there’s no guarantee that things that are posted on the Internet are true. This website was created to share some of the natural (alternative) cures with our friends and family. These treatments have worked for us, but there is no guarantee that they will work for you. We only post information about cures that have worked for us, rather than posting something that’s hearsay or gossip. Everyone knows at least some people who find strange supplements (with names you can’t pronounce) on the Internet and are willing to try them because it said on the Internet that it was 100% natural. We don’t use that approach.

We don’t use bizarre stuff made out of some tree bark that came from an island that’s not on the map. We don’t use supplements just because they are labeled “natural” or “organic.” We also don’t believe that all supplements available on a reputable site, such as Amazon, are automatically safe just because the reviews are great. People who believe these things are the ones who are likely to buy a bridge on eBay.

Our approach is based on research and common sense because it helps us make informed choices. We look for a medical doctor who is open to using alternative medicine and then work with our doctor to come up with safe treatment plan that’s often a mixture of traditional and alternative treatments (hypnotherapy, homeopathy, acupuncture, massage therapy, chiropractic, etc.). We like to spend a lot of time researching the ingredients in a supplement, compare our notes with reputable sites like National Institute of Heatlh, Mayo Clinic, WebMD, etc. and check with our family doctor to ensure it’s safe before we use it.