Blood Pressure Treatments

#1 IgG Test

There is nothing that even comes close to successfully lowering the high blood pressure than an IgG test from Immuno Labs. There are two types of tests for food toxicity.

1. Immediate food allergy (IgE)

2. Delayed food allergy (IgG)

The delayed food allergies are often referred to as food sensitivities because you don’t experience an immediate reaction. According to the doctors and healthcare experts, the symptoms usually appear between 2 to 48 hours, but it is very common for symptoms to appear 48-72 hours after you eat the food so obviously they are very difficult to pinpoint. However, after having more than 10 years of experience with IgG tests, we have discovered an easy way to figure out which foods are toxic to our body.

There’s a 95% chance that the food that you eat every day is actually toxic to your system. An IgG test is helpful in finding out which toxic foods you should avoid.

An IgG test is by far the best and quickest way to lower high blood pressure to a healthy level. The good news is that you don’t have to take any medication or risky drugs. All you have to do is a simple blood test. The results of the IgG test tell you which foods are toxic to your body and to what degree. By avoiding those toxic foods you can lower not only your high blood pressure, but also over 50 medical conditions and 200 symptoms, including over 100 chronic conditions. These numbers are provided by the lab that does these tests. We have lots of information to share on this topic so we have created a separate page for this topic. Visit our Food Allergies page for more information on how to lower your high blood pressure.

An IgG test for delayed food allergies is by far the best and quickest way to lower blood pressure to a healthy level. The good news is that you don’t have to take any medications or risky drugs. All it takes is a simple blood test. In addition to lowering high blood pressure, an IgG test can help with over 50 medical conditions and 200 symptoms, including over 100 chronic conditions. Visit our Food Allergies page.

#2 Apple Cider Vinegar

Many people have reported that they have been able to lower their high blood pressure by using Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) as a remedy. Read their testimonials here.

Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar

Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar Ingredients

For details on how to use ACV visit our ACV page. You will also find our ACV Warnings and Notes helpful. Our warnings are not about how it can harm you, they are more about which form works best (tablet vs. liquid) and how to consume the product safely.

There are lots of Apple Cider Vinegar brands, but most Naturopath Doctors recommend only using Bragg’s brand because it’s not acidic as some other brands, e.g. Heinz. Apple Cider Vinegar has been around for over 5,000 years and is one of the most miraculous cure for at least 57 ailments for people around the world. Check out our Acid Reflux page under Health because it has some very useful information about Apple Cider Vinegar. We have used Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar for lowering blood pressure, acid reflux, acne, and other ailments.

#3 RESPeRate

Resperate logo

What is RESPeRATE?
RESPeRATE is the only FDA-cleared, non-drug, medical device clinically proven to lower high blood pressure with no side effects.

RESPeRATE utilizes a patented technology to deliver certain kinds of breathing exercises. When these exercises are performed for as little as 15 minutes a day, 3-4 times a week they have been shown to significantly lower blood pressure with no side effects.

These therapeutic breathing exercises are difficult to effectively perform without the interactive, personalized coaching that RESPeRATE provides.


Resperate - Clinically proven to lower your high blood pressure
Proven to Work

  • RESPeRATE has been written about in many leading medical journals, magazines, and books, including the American Heart Association’s, “Hypertension Primer” and the Mayo Clinic’s, “On High Blood Pressure”.
  • RESPeRATE‘s therapeutic benefit was validated in six separate clinical studies, delivering an average reduction of 14/9.
  • Thousands of patients are using and witnessing the benefits of RESPeRATE.

RESPeRATE at = $314.95 (as of August 31, 2017)

RESPeRATE Testimonials



This may be a useful tool for reducing blood pressure.

More than 50 million Americans, nearly one in four adults, have high blood pressure. A device that promises to lower blood pressure without drugs or complicated treatments has recently been approved by the FDA. The RESPeRATE is a device that guides the user through exercises that slow their breathing. RESPeRATE is based on the fact that breathing exercises can lower blood pressure by relaxing the muscles surrounding the small blood vessels, thereby allowing blood to flow more freely.

Clinical studies found that after eight weeks of three to four 15-minute sessions per week, patients’ blood pressure was lowered by an average of 14 systolic points (the upper number in a blood pressure reading), and nine diastolic points (the lower number in a blood pressure reading). Amazingly, this lowering of blood pressure is a sustained reduction. The machine lowers your blood pressure not just when you are in the process of using the machine, but day in and day out, just as a medication would. In fact, RESPeRATE looks like a gadget, but it acts like a drug. The real advantage of this machine is it is not a drug and has no side effects.

Medication, diet and exercise are often not enough to lower blood pressure. More than 70% of hypertension (high blood pressure) patients in the U.S. (approximately 35 million Americans) do not have the disease under control. The RESPeRATE offers a drug-free way to lower blood pressure, either on its own or in conjunction with any blood pressure lowering medication you may be currently taking.

I was skeptical, not so much as to the benefits of therapeutic breathing, but as to the product itself. How could a machine make you breathe more slowly? Wouldn’t it be difficult? Wouldn’t it feel artificial? My first experience with RESPeRATE dispelled my fears. The device comes with a simple five-minute video that explains how it works. A flexible belt is positioned around the body. The pair of included headphones is put over the ears. The device itself has a small, but adequately visible display screen. You begin by breathing regularly. The RESPeRATE gets in synch with your breathing. The audio begins with two different tones, one for breathing in and one for breathing out. The display screen shows a man with arrows coming out of his mouth for the out breath and arrows going in for the in breath. It is very easy to follow. After several minutes, the man disappears and leaves you to your breathing. The machine tones guide you through systematically slowing your breathing that turned out to be a very relaxing experience.

Since my blood pressure is in the normal range, I don’t have to use the RESPeRATE solely for reducing my blood pressure. I found, however, that I like using the RESPeRATE just for its relaxational qualities. My husband, who has slightly elevated blood pressure, also tried out the RESPeRATE. After several weeks’ use, both of our blood pressure readings were lowered by several points.

The RESPeRATE is easy to use, and well-designed. The belt and cords fit right inside the machine. The comfortable headphones fit nicely around the outside of the compact unit. RESPeRATE even comes with its own little carrying case.

It is a documented fact that simply controlling high blood pressure leads to substantial reductions in the risk of cardiovascular disease, like stroke, congestive heart failure and heart attack. Many people will find the RESPeRATE a valuable tool in staying healthier by wisely managing their blood pressure.


We have found the method recommended by RESPeRATE to be an affective method in lowering high blood pressure. In our tests, it took about 6 weeks to see clear results without the use of any blood pressure medications. However, we believe that you don’t really need to purchase this product to lower your blood pressure. Here’s what RESPeRATE’s instruction manual says.

“RESPeRATE guides you to slow down your rate of breathing. RESPeRATE will lead you to breathe at a rate of 10 breaths per minute or less. We call this “Effective Exercise”. To achieve best results, it is recommended that you use RESPeRATE for at least 45 minutes of Weekly Effective Exercise time, preferably in 15 minute daily sessions. As with other exercises, you should expect to see notable results within approximately six to eight weeks, and maintain benefits with routine use.

RESPeRATE’s breathing exercises reduce neural sympathetic activity and relax muscles that surround your small blood vessels. Over time, these effects allow blood to flow more easily through your blood vessels, resulting in sustained lower blood pressure.

Your goal is to accumulate 45 minutes of Weekly Effective Exercise time in order to see reductions in your blood pressure.”

So the main thing this device does is lead you to slow down your rate of breathing. If you do the breathing exercises yourself, you can achieve the exact same results without this device. There’s nothing magical about this device. If you want, you can purchase this $300 device and see your heartbeat reading and you can also listen to the music and adjust your breathing to the music. However, the music can be pretty distracting sometimes. It is much easier to practice your breathing exercises while watching TV and frankly listening to RESPeRATE’s music can be pretty annoying. In our experience, you can achieve the exact same results without the use of this device by looking at the second hand on your wall clock, or by using a stop watch. Just make sure that you are taking each breath (one cycle of inhaling and exhaling) in at least 6 or more seconds (6 seconds is 10 breaths per minutes). If you take 10 seconds for each breathing cycle then you are breathing at 6 bpm. Again, the goal is to make sure that your heartbeat is less than or equal to 10 bpm for at least 45 minutes per week, preferably in for 15 minute daily sessions. Just breathe at the slowest pace that is comfortable for you. If you go over the recommended 10 bpm for a minute or so then don’t worry. Just continue with the exercises for 10-15 minutes per day and aim for a minimum of 45 minutes per week of total exercise time. For example, do 10 minutes of breathing exercise 5 times a week. This method of lowering blood pressure is simple, free and according to the makers of RESPeRATE lowering your rate of breathing is clinically proven to work in lowering blood pressure.

One final note. If your blood pressure is high at any time of the day, you can lower it within 10-15 minutes by simply doing these breathing exercises without any devices or medications. As one of the doctor’s pointed out, you should inhale from your mouth and exhale through your nose. Our tests have shown a drop of 14 points in systolic (upper) and 5 points in diastolic (lower) blood pressure after 20 minutes of walk (a little over a mile) on the treadmill and then 15 minutes of breathing exercises. However, even without the walk, just breathing exercises alone can lower your blood pressure.


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