What is AlkaMax Recommended For?
AlkaMax can be used for restoring the pH balance, bone/joint health, fatigue caused by acidic conditions, acid indigestion and heartburn.

We prefer AlkaMax for digestive issues, such as acid reflex and heartburn. Most of the time we only need one capsule to get the relief. We definitely prefer AlkaMax over Tums and other antacids which are not recommended as a long-term solution because of the potential damage they can cause. Although your mileage may vary, AlkaMax has literally worked for us every single time within minutes. We have nothing but positive things to say about this product. We don’t believe it’s the best solution for a severe acid reflex. However, for mild to medium level of acid reflex, AlkaMax has worked very well for us.

AlkaMax and DGL
AlkaMax comes in liquid, powder and capsule form. We’ve used the capsules because it contains de-glycyrrhizinated licorice (DGL), which is safe for people with high blood pressure. Although you will notice that the warning says that due to licorice contents it is not recommended for patients with high blood pressure, according to our Doctor that is not true. DGL is made from licorice from which the glycyrrhizin has been removed, which can raise blood pressure. The manufacturer told us that even though DGL doesn’t raise your pH level, they had to put the warning on the label as a precaution. You can do your own research to find out exactly what DGL is.

Blood pressure patients need to be careful as to which form they should select. For example, they should avoid the powder form of AlkaMax because it contains licorice. Instead, they should use the AlkaMax capsules, which are safe because they use the de-glycyrrhizinated licorice.

New Manufacturer
This product used to be manufactured by a company called TriMedica but is now manufactured by Natural Balance and is sold by HerbalRemedies.com. The relationship between TriMedica, Natural Balance and HerbalRemedies.com is not clear but all we know is that this product is really good for acid reflex and it also does a decent job of raising your pH level, if you use it for a few days. You can’t just increase your pH level overnight. It’s a slow and steady process. If you want to raise your pH quickly then you should definitely use Cell Power drops.

AlkaMax Capsules for Restoring pH Balance

In addition to acid reflex and general indigestion, AlkaMax also works well for restoring pH balance.In fact, originally we purchased AlkaMax for raising our pH level. It was later that we realized that this product works really well for acid reflex and other digestive issues.

There are several ways to raise your pH balance or to restore it to an acceptable level. If you’ve tried eating the right food (see Food Chart) and your progress is slow, you might want to try AlkaMax. We’ve tried AlkaMax and it took only a few days to see the results. Because AlkaMax is a natural supplement, it was approved by our Naturopath Doctor for raising the pH level.

NOTE: Although we’ve found AlkaMax to be helpful in increasing our pH, we have discovered that there’s nothing better for balancing your pH today than Cell Power drops. It’s like comparing the speed of a Volkswagen Beetle to a Ferrari.

AlkaMax comes in 30-capsule or 90-capsule size. Obviously, the 90-capsule bottler is more economic.

Old AlkaMax Packaging:

AlkaMax Capsules

New AlkaMax Packaging:

AlkaMax Capsules


We have experienced excellent results from this product for indigestion even with a single capsule. We have also experienced decent results for raising our pH level when the product is used for several days. People with high blood pressure should only use AlkaMax in the capsule form. For more information visit Balancing your pH.


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